Friends of The Libby Museum, Inc.
The 501(C)3 charity supporting The Museum
The Friends of the Libby Museum, Inc was established in the 1980s by descendants of Dr. Libby's, and local residents interested in ensuring The Museum’s continuation. It is a non-profit 501 (C) 3 with its mandate defined in Articles of Agreement (1988). The Friend’s priority is:
" engage in and promote the maintenance and support of the Libby Museum situated on Rt 109...and its scientific, literary and educational activities...including the repair, maintenance and improvement of the Museum building, grounds and exhibits...”
The Board of The Friends is elected from its membership in September each year, and meets monthly throughout the year to plan fundraising, and approve support to The Museum and its programs. In 2020, the organization had approximately 500 members and a Board of 9 elected Directors in place.
Some recent projects supported by The Friends includes:
Restoration of the Carder Fan Collection, with support from The Fan Association of North America,
Funding for replacement and repair of glass cases and casters
Support to the FREE live animal shows open to the public during summer
Funding appeals for The Museum’s restoration
To join The Friends of The Libby, see